Thursday 4 February 2021

Friday 5th February 2021

Selam Harrier Class, (selam means hi in Turkish)

Here are your home learning tasks for today.

Please send me your home learning work by emailing me at:


Today, we are learning another sound from Set 3. If your child struggles with any of the sounds, please let me know so that I can support you. 

Phonics lesson: Set 3 sound ‘aw’ - This sound will be uploaded at 9:30am, by Ruth Miskin. Please watch the speed sounds and then the spellings.

You will have 24 hours to watch it before the video is removed.

Phonics 'aw' worksheet 

Phonics challenge: Can you use one of the words you have practised containing the special friend 'aw' to write your own sentence?

You might want to have a look at 
Oxford Owl to support your child’s learning.


Today, we are focusing on comprehension. Please select the relevant group:

Mrs Bramley – The Spell (comprehension questions are on the final slide)
Mrs Bramley - Comprehension

Miss Jackson – Red Ken (comprehension questions are on the final slide)
Miss Jackson - Comprehension

Mrs Whaley – Danny and the Bump-a-lump (comprehension questions are on the final two slides)
Mrs Whaley - Comprehension

Remember to read every day!


Maths Challenge

Maths Challenge - Answers
1) 40 and 3
2) 0, 1, 2 or 3
3) 1 ten and 8 ones
4) red triangle

Lesson – Order numbers within 50

Teaching Video 

True or False  (note: the second page is the answer for the true or false question)




Red Book Challenge!
This task needs to be completed independently (no adults allowed).

Using your own ideas (that you planned yesterday) create your own discussion text for your character.

Remember to use your capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

Extra challenge: Can you squeeze a list of three into your writing to describe your character just like we had in our class text ‘should we save the troll?’ … misunderstood, kind and gentle.

Wider Curriculum


Using your designs from our last lesson, create your own bridge for the three Billy Goats Gruff.

Select your best design and make your own bridge. Do not change your design.


Yoga – About boats

Stay Active

Exercise for 20-30 minutes. Go for a walk, run around, dance or play football. Anything that makes your heart beat really fast!

Just Dance - I Gotta Feeling

Story Time 

How to be a Lion by Ed Vere – Story and draw along

Forest School

Activity: Nature Senses Scavenger Hunt


Take care and stay safe,


Miss Jackson

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