Wednesday 3 June 2020

Forest school activity

Mrs Gay has sent this lovely forest school activity.

Make a spider web catcher

Some people are afraid of spiders but they are helping us by eating insect pests. They are fascinating creatures to watch, especially when they spin intricate webs.  You can Safely get close to one by creating your own web catcher.

You will need:

3 medium sized straight twigs
1 longer stick
String or elastic bands

1. Create a triangle shape with twigs and secure the corners with the string or elastic bands.
2. Attach the longer stick to the triangle in one corner and find an area in your garden to stick your web catcher in, preferably near a bush or plant. The best time to check your web catcher is on a morning.

Mrs Gay would love to see any pictures of the spiders and webs that use your catchers, you could make a note of their markings to help identify them!

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