Tuesday 22 March 2022

Tuesday 22nd March - Home Learning

Tasks for children isolating

Please only complete today's home learning if you are isolating and WELL enough.

Practise measuring different objects. You can use a ruler or something small such as paper clips. Remember they have to be the same size!

Can you find the total of two lengths? (Adding two lengths together)
Can you find out how much longer one object is when compared to another? (Taking the shortest length away from the longest length)

Get an adult to tell you a sentence.
Can you write the sentence without forgetting your capital letters, finger spaces and a full stop? Can you listen to the sentence once and remember all of it?
Try to use some of these words in your sentence (and can you spell them correctly?): the, you, there, your, was, we, some, them, school or house. 

Today we will be starting our new Art topic. We will be using powder paints!

We are going to find out what happens when we mix two primary colours together. Do you remember the three primary colours? What colours will you make when you mix two colours together? 
If you have your own paints at home... can you create these different colours?

Remember to read a lovely book!

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