Monday 28 March 2022

Monday 28th March - Home Learning

Tasks for children isolating

Please only complete today's home learning if you are isolating and WELL enough.


With some scales at home, can you weigh different objects to see which is heavier and lighter? Can you estimate (guess) which object will be heavier? How can you tell? Can you order the objects that you weigh from the lightest to the heaviest?

Think of different ways to describe this setting.

Write in full sentences and remember to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

Think about what we looked at during our fiction unit. Can you use your senses? Can you think of different adjectives? 

Today, we will be looking at adding white to blue. Do you know what happens to a colour when you add white to it?
If you have any paints at home, see what happens!
We are going to use powder paints to create a blue that represents the sea and use our paintbrushes in different ways to create a variety of textures. Then we will create the background for our final piece.
Could you try making a background?

Remember to read a lovely book!

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