Thursday 24 March 2022

Thursday 24th March - Home Learning

Tasks for children isolating

Please only complete today's home learning if you are isolating and WELL enough.


Introduce weight and mass - Activity
Introduce weight and mass - video link

Plan your own wishing tale. 
Think about your title. Think about characters and the setting. Make a note of your different ideas. It doesn't matter if you keep thinking of new ideas, you can change them... you are the author after all! Can you draw a picture of what you would like it to look like for the reader?

Can you practise throwing and catching? With a big ball and then a small ball. 
Can you throw the ball into a target?
Can you hit the ball with a bat? How many times can you hit the ball without it falling on the floor? 
Using the bat, can you now hit the ball into the target?

Remember to read a lovely book!

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