Wednesday 12 January 2022

Wednesday 12th January - Home Learning

Hello, Atlas Class!

Here are today's tasks for those of you who are isolating.
Please only complete these tasks if you are feeling well enough.

Flashback 4 challenge

Compare groups of objects - Worksheet

Learn our new model text 'Billy Goats Gruff'. Can you create some actions to help you to internalise the story? 

Writing task: What might the troll look like? Use lots of descriptive language. Think about your senses. Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

Which place of worship is sacred for Christians?
Can you research some famous churches? Have you been to church?
Virtual Church Visit

Research and label this church using the following words:
font, pulpit, pews, altar, cross, stained-glass windows, lectern

Why do people go to church? Write down your ideas.
Christians go to church... to pray, to sing, to worship, to learn, to get married, to get baptised, for a funeral and to meet friends.

Cosmic Kids Yoga
Betsy the Banana

Story Time

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