Friday 14 January 2022

Friday 14th January - Home Learning

Hello, Atlas Class!

Here are today's tasks for those of you who are isolating.
Please only complete these tasks if you are feeling well enough.

Flashback 4 challenge

Order groups of objects - Worksheet

Order numbers - Worksheet

Continue to learn our story 'Billy Goats Gruff'. Can you remember all of your actions? Could you perform your actions to someone you live with?

Spot the mistakes! Can you re-write these sentences and make them even better? Don't forget to read your writing and to check for capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

my dogwent no a walk to park

i like to drink lost off water

night last, she lookt for the biggest star?

Which place of worship is sacred for Muslims?
Have you been to a mosque?

Research and label this mosque using the following words:
Prayer mat, Qubba (dome structure), Mihrab (recess to indicate the direction of Mecca), washroom, Crescent moon and star, a Qur'an (holy book) and Imam.

  • Muslims go to mosque to pray and services are held every day. The most important weekly service is held on a Friday.
  • Many Muslims believe that praying with other Muslims can make you feel part of a family.
  • Inside a mosque, there is often a school where people can learn the Arabic language. This is the language that the Muslim holy book, the Qur'an, is written in.
  • Festivals, weddings and funerals can take place in mosques too.
Showing respect:
  • Wash feet, hands, nose, mouth, throat, ears, arms (up to elbow) before entering. 
  • Take off your shoes before entering
  • Women and men worship separately
Travelling: Using your feet and body to move across a space.

Warm up: do this to some music and explain the importance of this to the children! We warm up because it raises our heart rate, warms up our muscles so that it is easier to move and stops us from hurting ourselves. 

Play some (upbeat/ happy) music and create your own dance. What does this song make you feel? Can you use your feet and body to move across a space in your home? Be careful!

Story Time
King of the Classroom

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